I used to want to control what my teenage and young adult boys were doing.
I thought their “bad” choices made me look like a terrible mom.
I used to think my daughters-in-law “should” do this and not do that. I realized that coming from judgment, was causing me to discount all the beautiful things about each one of them. Now I am intentional as I seek to understand from a space of curiosity and compassion.
Loving feels so much better than judging.
Life Coaching has been a huge part of my life since 2018. Many things have improved for me because of it AND I know the same can happen for you. Click HERE to learn how.
My relationships with my family and friends improved…..and most importantly: I began to really love myself.
Which is also totally possible for you ~ and I can help you do it! Click HERE to find out how.
Like going to the gym or working with a personal trainer strengthens your physical muscles, I help you strengthen your mental and emotional muscles.
It’s when we take care of and love ourselves, that it’s so much easier to feel love for others. Love for our daughter-in-law and anyone we care about.
The skills and tools I teach will create awareness and acceptance that you never imagined possible, as I teach you to manage your mind and better love yourself ~ guaranteed.
I’m guessing you’ve probably tried some things to improve the love you feel for your daughter-in-law, others, and yourself too.
However, have you ever worked with a master life coach (nervous system resilience trained, trauma-informed and weightloss certified) who has coached hundreds of clients, helping them improve their lives by discovering the root of their problem and teaching them how to manage their minds?
I work with clients 3 ways:
First Connection Crew Program: This is a monthly membership with teaching & coaching calls, lovin my body course, lovin my dil course, the model course, lovin me course, ask a coach, facebook group, nervous system resilience exercises, and much more.
Join Connection Crew HERE and together let’s create more fun, love and connection with others and yourself.
Second Hybrid Program: Connect one-on-one with me and the Crew. This Hybrid Program gives you the opportunity to experience both individual and group coaching in my Connection Crew Program.
This 3 Month Hybrid Program includes 3 twenty-minute individual coaching sessions each month (9 total) and complete access to Connection Crew Program.
Purchase 3 Month Hybrid Program HERE and watch your relationships blossom, have the skills to reach any goal, and feel more love for you and everyone you care about.
Third Luxurious 3 Month Coaching Program: Create results that you never thought possible in 3 months of coaching/mentoring together one-on-one, working exclusively with a master certified, weight-loss and trauma informed coach.
The Luxurious 3 Month Coaching Program includes 3 forty-five minute individual coaching sessions per month (9 total), complete access to Connection Crew Program, and Voxer or Marco Polo communication with me anytime (Literally have me in your pocket to as any questions).
Invest in Luxurious 3 Month Coaching Program HERE and we’ll have expansive time to dive deep and explore any and all topics. I’ll be your guide and sounding board. Each session will be catered to your specific needs.
I’d love to be your Life Coach in whichever of these 3 ways works best for you. The skills and tools I teach will help you manage your mind, love others, and yourself.
Here’s to strengthening our mental and emotional muscles, which makes loving others and ourselves so much easier.
My Life Coaching journey thus far…
In 2018, I discovered Life Coaching and attended Be Bold Masters with Jody Moore. I was introduced to the Model created by Brooke Castillo, and completed The Life Coach School year long Certification Program becoming a “Certified Life and Weight Coach”.
I’ve complete the following:
Advanced Certification in Faith-Based Coaching with Jody Moore
Advanced Certification in Trauma-Informed Coaching with Candice Toone
Master Certified Coach at The Life Coach School
Creation Coach Certification with Brooke Snow
No BS Advanced Weightloss Certification with Corinne Crabtree
Advanced Training in Nervous System Resilience with Leah Davidson
I worked for The Life Coach School as a coach, mentor, and instructor for 4 years (2020-2024).