This Is Us

Sharing some of the best quotes from This Is Us

You’re listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you’ll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite sized tibit of love. I’m your host, LeAnn Austin

Hey Y’all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #21 ~ This Is Us 

I recently binge watched the last season of This Is Us. Now, if you’ve never seen this show, and want to watch something that is real, relatable, raw, and authentic, and brings up all the feels, this show is it.  There are so many things I love about the beautiful, messy Pearson bunch.  

A quick synopsis: This Is Us is a television series that follows the lives and families of two parents and their three kids in several different timeframes. There are so many takeaways from this show for me, but just want to share my favorite quote from each of the five main characters.

So Kevin says, “Sometimes you just got to do the right thing. You got to do the right thing, even if it’s not what you want.”  

Kate says, “But the truth is I’m strong. And the things that I have been through have made me tough as hell.”  

Randall says, “Everyone sees their childhood with different lenses.” 

Jack says, “When you’re young, you’re always trying to be older. And when you get old, you’re always trying to go back.  Try and appreciate the moments, you know?” 

Well, before I wrap this up with my favorite last quote;  What’s a TV show or a movie that you like?  Why?  Share that with your friend or family. Maybe even take them to a movie or watch a show with them.

I think throughout watching this series, my overall things that I’ve learned from This Is Us, is to be present, to appreciate the little things, to keep showing up. And as most of us are in the middle of summer right now; How could we do that? Maybe a TV show or movie remind you of something that you could share with someone you love.

Alright, well to wrap this up with my favorite quote from Rebecca Pearson, the cute mama of the show.  She says, “Take the risks.  Make the big moves, even if they’re small ones.  Forge ahead with your lives in any and every direction that moves you.  I’m asking you to be fearless.”  Hmmm, something to think about.  

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to being fearless and to love. 

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