

Hi LeAnn!  I want to thank you for really making a difference in my life!  Although I recently joined your group, your encouragement, perspective and wisdom enabled me to have a great time visiting my son and his girlfriend – my future DIL! – in California.

I’m from New York and wasn’t even sure I wanted to go.  I was dreading the trip.  My MIL is difficult, and my mother had a difficult time with her MIL.
But by following your insightful support and strength, I kept a smile on my face and love in my heart.  I looked for the best, assumed the positive side, threw away my manual for them, and enjoyed being there with them.
It’s such a game-changer not to criticize and complain, even in my thoughts!
I appreciate all you’ve done for me, in turning my thoughts to looking on the bright side!  REALLY!!  And I’m looking forward to learning more with you!
“I feel like an onion. Peeling off a layer at a time. Kind of feel like a rebirth. You’ve helped me peel off layers and I can now start to look at where I am now. Accept the feels and truly start loving myself. I am curious to see what I can come up with when I do the light switch exercise. I feel like I am worth loving myself.”
“It’s fair to say that I was skeptical about Lovin my DIL, since my actions and thoughts had nothing to do with our relationship – wrong! My thoughts and preconceived ideas were the reason we could not go from “getting along” to a connected bond. In Lovin My DIL, I learned simple ways to see the positive, have fun, set boundaries, take care of myself and how to build a loving relationship. Great relationships are one of the biggest joys in my life! Thanks LeAnn for this short, easy to implement program.”
“I have been enjoying your new Lovin My DIL course and am impressed the way it focuses on the positive. I am blessed with great daughters and sons in law. These tips are helping me focus and appreciate more on the good that they do. I can see using these 5 concepts in improving relationships in all areas of my life as well as my quest to have a loving relationship with myself. This could be called “Lovin your __???” (any relationship you would like to improve). Valuable Information! Thank you!”
“I met LeAnn while I was going through the LCS certification process. Right after our session I wrote her name down and waited patiently for a time when I could engage her as my coach. LeAnn, in that memorable coaching session, helped me experience a complete change of perspective with an issue I’ve been dealing with for years. She was insightful, kind and gentle in her approach. She helped me get clear about my fear and examine my thoughts about it. She helped me see that so many other alternatives were available to me, I didn’t need to stay stuck. I don’t believe I have ever felt the compassion, warmth, trust and authenticity as quickly as I felt coaching with her. LeAnn has superpowers of compassion and powerful connection. If you are struggling to love you, believe you are not enough, to work through drama, she is an amazing source of wisdom and insight – getting to the heart of things you may be afraid to really say.
LeAnn is a courageous coach, always learning and diving in to new experiences herself. She has inspired me through her Lovin’ Me program. Make an investment in LeAnn. You will be forever grateful for it.
Suzanne Best-Foster
“I had a call this morning with LeAnn Austin and it was wonderful, she helped me get so much clarity and used the model to help me really become aware of my situation. She’s an Excellent coach.”
“I started the Lovin Me Program near the beginning of 2022. My intent was to get a better understanding of my thoughts. I was stunned to learn how I let the word “should” control my thoughts, which control actions. Not only the use of “should” for myself but for how I think others “should” act. I learned in the course there are no manuals for humans. I am being judgemental and setting myself up for disappointment when I expect how others “should” act or respond. It has been freeing for me to drop the word “should”.”
“Love the Lovin Me Program! It has made me more aware of being nice to myself. Also aware that I have to do the work to make it work. Appreciate all the time spent on content. LeAnn is very personable, knowledgeable, and excited to share. Wish I would have learned this info years ago. Thank you LeAnn!”
“After experiencing two devastating setbacks in my career path, I hired LeAnn. She helped me regain my footing and see that my failures did not determine my value. As we worked together, she helped me discover my courage to keep moving forward in my career. Thank you, LeAnn!”
“LeAnn is wonderful! Always accessible and so positive and willing to help!”
“Thank you so much for taking the time to dig deeper. I talked that I wanted coaching on money and you heard the whisper that the real issue was my ex bf. I heard another coach mention about the whisper that alludes to the real problem and you found it where I could not see. Your insight is incredibly valuable and helpful.”
“You’re the best! If you are looking to find greater peace, joy and meaning in your life, you can’t go wrong with LeAnn. Love you!”
“LeAnn coached me through a lot of judgment of others and ultimately helped me see that I was judging myself as well. She was very supportive through the highs and lows of life as we worked together. With her coaching I came up with the perfect thought for me to up level myself and my business. Very grateful for her coaching!”
“LeAnn coached me regarding my business. She is kind and encouraging plus straightforward and professional which was the perfect combination for me! She assisted me in not only identifying obstacles that were standing between my goals and me but also devising strategies to overcome them. She helped me challenge limiting beliefs about myself, stop making excuses, and start taking action. I left each session with a clear sense of what I needed to work on next. A couple of the benefits I have gained from better mental and emotional management have been stronger, quicker decision-making and willingness to step out of my comfort zone in order to draw closer to my business goals. I am very grateful and highly recommend working with LeAnn!”
“LeAnn was so inspirational throughout the 6 weeks that we had together. She really helped me to change the negative mindsets that I have about food and eating, weight loss successes and “failures”, and how I view the food decisions I make. LeAnn was a constant encouragement and extremely positive, but at the same time she kept me accountable for the decisions I made. I am one week post-coach and I am feeling empowered that the mental changes and shifts that I made during my time with LeAnn are here to stay.”
“It has truly been a gift to have had LeAnn as a coach. Her coaching style has always made me feel that my thoughts and story had a safe and soft place to land. She coaches from a place of love and support and she has shown me so many places where my mind has been holding me back from accomplishing my goals.”
“I just finished a 6 week drink program with LeAnn. Learned more about myself in 6 weeks then I did in 36 years. I looked so forward to just speaking to her and did not realize how much her easy going advice would help me to achieve the things I have been trying to for years. I realized it was never about drinking but about my thoughts about it. I will be forever thankful to her and her amazing energy.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you LeAnn for our coaching sessions. Thank you for having compassion and love for me while I was learning to have compassion and love for myself. Thank you for reminding me that it’s okay to be human as I worked through emotions. Thank you for guiding me through goal setting, encouraging me to work on my thoughts, and try again. Only 8 weeks, but I learned so much during my time with you. Thank you!”
“I had the privilege of working with LeAnn in a 6 week program. She is an amazing coach who skillfully showed me my mindset and taught me useful concepts to work towards the results I had set for myself. I highly recommend LeAnn!”
“I did a 6-session coaching series with LeAnn, that really helped me get focused on important goals that I had been procrastinating on. I now have the momentum I need. She’s very clear, structured, warm-hearted, and very skilled as a coach. Highly recommended.”
“I wouldn’t say that I had a typical “problem” with drinking, but I wanted to be more in control of the hard stop with drinking…I wanted one glass of wine not to lead to 3 or 4 glasses. LeAnn opened my eyes to what my thoughts were about drinking, how I often used it as a buffer instead of feeling the feelings I was trying to (many times unknowingly) avoid. I learned that alcohol is not good or bad, it just is, but my thoughts around it were the problem. Together we explored these thoughts about drinking based upon the way I was raised, came up with a drinking plan (which works marvelously), and discussed the need to honor the commitments we make to ourselves. After this 6 week period with a delightful teacher and encourager, I feel much more in control~like I can take alcohol or leave it, and most of all that I can make a plan and stick to it. As LeAnn pointed out, courage is uncomfortable, but that discomfort shows us that we are on the right path! By the way, this method is effective in many other areas of life~overeating or binging on certain foods (sugar) is a perfect example.”
“Thank you so much for showing me my thinking and how it was impacting my weight loss journey. I appreciate your gentle patience but how you held me accountable as well. With your guidance, I found the thought to help me transform my life, not just my body. And, I am down two more pounds! Only 11 more to go to my stretch goal weight. I can totally do it. Thanks again for your patience and guidance.”
“I followed a program with LeAnn and it has been a wonderful and motivating journey. I’ve been coached and taught some life changing tools. LeAnn is a very good listener and is also brilliant at uncovering underlying thoughts or emotions which can prevent you from moving forward. Working with her is highly recommended if you want to get closer to your next objective!”
“I enjoy working with LeAnn. Her professional, loving teaching style and the information she teaches is amazing. She ‘s helping me to reflect on my actions and to understand that I am the one to determine my own destiny. The issue on weight is not a weight issue but a life thought process. I’m learning to process feelings and thoughts without buffering them with food and realizing that food is to sustain life and not to be used for emotional and social purposes. I realize that this is a new beginning, a time to focus on these tools to plan, journal, evaluate and move on enjoying the journey. A great Coach! Thank you for your example and encouragement.”
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