Lovin Me Program

Are you tired of feeling like you’re doing it wrong, you’re failing, and you’re not enough?

It’s time to become an Expert at Loving Yourself ~ and the Lovin Me Program will show you how.

The Model Course
The Model is the foundation for the Lovin Me Program. The videos and worksheets in this course will teach you each component of The Model. This amazing tool will be used in our Group Coaching, Ask a Coach, and your own Self Coaching. Understanding The Model and implementing it into your life, will transform your world in countless ways.

Lovin Me Course
This course shares the LOVE acronym I created to help you become an Expert at Loving You. These videos and worksheets teach you skills and ideas to assist you on this transformation.

Ask a Coach
You can ask me any question, anytime. Simply type a title for your question, followed by the question. Within a few days, the answer will be there under your title. This is anonymous. The questions and answers will be available for others to learn from as well.

Group Coaching
Lovin Me members are invited to a weekly one-hour group call, where I coach a few group members individually on any topic they are struggling with. You can choose to be coached and/or listen and learn from others. There is great value from seeing others coached, gaining insight from each other’s setbacks and accomplishments. You can stay completely anonymous if you prefer.
The recordings of these calls will be posted for two months and then replaced with current coaching sessions.
*I will be teaching a new concept the first week of each month at the beginning of our coaching call. Can’t wait to share more valuable information with you.

Bonus Content
Extra videos and content will be added to this section periodically. More tips and tools as you’re strengthening your emotional and mental muscles.

Private Facebook Group
You’re invited to this private Lovin Me community on Facebook, along with others who are becoming experts at loving themselves. As a participant, you will receive encouragement, program updates, challenges, and fun.

Join Now
If you’re ready to become an Expert at Loving Yourself, and transform every area of your life, sign up today.

The Lovin Me Program is only $29 a month, or $299 a year ($49 savings). This amazing program is less than a dollar a day and valued at more than ten times this amount.

You’re an expert at loving others, now’s the time to strengthen your own emotional & mental muscles and become an expert at loving yourself.

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