Episode 84: Living Awake with Maren Rasmussen

 Maren Rasmussen shares some beautiful love and relationship insights. Follow Maren on instagram @livingawakewithmaren or email livingawakewithmaren@gmail.com

Join us this month in Lovin My Daughter-in-law Program where we’re focusing on energy and emotions. Maren will be teaching and coaching a September Group Call. If you’d like to experience energy awareness coaching, sign up for Lovin My DIL Program today. For only $45, you’ll have the opportunity to be coached by Maren, along with an entire month in Lovin My DIL Program.

Welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast, where my mother-in-law, relationship expert and master certified coach LeAnn Austin, will help you create more love and connection with your daughter-in-law and everyone else you care about.

Hey y’all, welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law, Episode #84: Living Awake with Maren Rasmussen

I love observing and connecting with other humans, especially noting how they feel and implement love into their lives and their relationships.

We have the incredible Maren sharing some beautiful love and relationship insights with us today. Alright Maren, briefly introduce yourself.

So I am Maren Rasmussen, and I am from St. George, Utah, Southern Utah. And I live in northern Utah now. I’ve lived here almost as long as I lived in St. George, which is so crazy to me. So I have two little ones. I have a three and a half month old and a 21 month old, so two little kids.

Wow. Those are little, little. I didn’t know you had a little one that little. Yeah, they’re pretty little. But my husband has two kids from previous marriage that are 16 and 19. So we kind of have the older kids and then the younger ones and it’s been super fun.

So yeah, I’ve just been on this journey the past 10-15 years doing energy work, which we’ll talk a little bit more about through this podcast. But about 12 years ago maybe, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and that really opened me up to some different thinking about how to heal.

So it opened me up to more holistic ways and homeopathic methods, and through a few techniques, I was able to relieve myself of fibromyalgia, which was awesome. And then realize that I have a gift to be able to see energy and help people release things that are trapped, trauma, all of that. And it’s been, it’s been super awesome.

So beyond that, you know, I’m really busy right now with two little kids, but I love, like yoga and being outside. I love going on walks and jogs, and my husband and I rock climb together. Some fun times doing that as well. Yeah, that’s a little bit about me.

So many cool things. And I got to meet Maren last year at a trauma coaching with Candice Toone, and I’d never even seen of this, seen this done before. And to me, when I first heard about it, I was like, okay wait. This is a little woowoo, what’s going on. But watching Maren do this and experiencing her coaching myself is amazing. So I’m so excited that she’s talking about this with us. And then those of you who are in my Daughter-in-law Program for September will get a chance to work with Maren a little bit as well. So I’m so excited for that and so glad that she can be here and tell us a little bit more about this.

So question number one; how do you incorporate love into your business and life, and how does that impact your relationships?

Yeah especially when I’m working on people energetically, love, like it has to be the driving force and it’s almost, it’s just such an amazing thing to be able to look into someone and see the goodness in everybody, if that makes sense. And so I honestly like, as I was thinking about this, I was like, oh my gosh, love really is what makes the difference when I can like, work on someone and coach and do an energy session on them, and be able to help them really move things, versus not.

And then love for myself as well. So understanding that I really need to love and take care of myself so that I can show up for my clients when that time comes. And there’s some, you know, I do a lot of email sessions and so, at times I’ll like start working on someone, and I’m like, I’m just not in a good place to do this, and so I have to kind of stop and take a step back and then be able to really step back into that.

And I recently worked on someone that I could tell there was a lot of trauma and darkness in them. I don’t know how to explain it fully, but just I could tell they they’d gone through a lot and maybe not done a lot of things and, and he even like mentioned that a little bit to me before we had our session. But just being able to focus on the true parts of him and like being able to see that and to really connect with the love that I could have for an individual is what makes all the difference in those sessions and really great.

So I really feel like love is what heals when I work on someone and help to like, release and move any darkness, I try to replace that with love, with light. That’s something that, you know, a lot of people think you need to kind of be hard on yourself to be able to improve, but, and sometimes I’m that way too, like, oh my gosh, I’m just gonna beat myself up till I figure this out. But really, love is what helps us change and it’s just amazing as you can really connect with yourself, with God or your higher power, and to be able to feel that love and feel the love for yourself, and then move that through to your clients and whoever else you work with.

I love Maren, that you see that like in yourself as well as with your clients. Like that’s so beautiful because I am all about self-love as well, because I think that is really what improves relationships with our daughter-in-law or with anybody we care about. When we can love ourselves, it just makes it so much easier to care and love everyone else.

Yeah, it’s so true. And the times when I’m working on someone that has issues with a family relationship, or friend, or whatever, the thing it always comes back to is self-love. Like there’s something we need to heal and tweak within themselves and then it kind of just loosens the grip that it has on that relationship that is making it really hard for someone to connect with them, or to love them, or be in the same room as them, however that may look. It really is that self-love that makes a huge difference as well.

Beautiful. Alright, so what is something you love about you and why? I love that kindness comes easily for me. And I kind of always knew this, you know, my family would be like, you’re like a peacemaker. And even my husband talking to him, but now that I’ve had kids, it’s like, oh my gosh I’m so grateful. This is a gift that I have to be able to be kind and to be able to use that in a way that’s beneficial for our family. I may not be like the super fun one all the time, but I do love the kindness.

And then I also was thinking too, and I’m like, and I love that I have this gift. I had some people asking me like, how did you get to energy work? And like, how did you even know you had this gift? And I told them, I was like, our desires lead us to our gifts. And I always had this desire to read people’s thoughts, and which I was like, oh everybody wishes they could read each other’s thoughts. But I would always be like, I just wish I could know. And I’m like, now I can do it. And not really, it’s not like I’m in there like, understanding every little thought, but I’m like, I love that I have this gift to be able to see people’s energy and like connect with them in that way.

Well, and it totally is, it is a gift ’cause I fully don’t even understand it. And it gives me goosebumps as you’re talking about it because you really do see that. And however you do that with clearing energy or whatever it is. And I don’t even know the terminology, but yeah. No, that’s perfect. It’s just amazing to me, like, and I remember you explaining that almost like knowing a different language type thing. Is that kind of how you would explain that?

Yeah. A lot of times I’m like, it’s like I speak Japanese and I’m interpreting to you what your energy is speaking to me. And when I talk about clearing energy or moving it, the main thing that usually needs to happen is we just need to bring conscious awareness to what’s going on inside of you and help release that.

And then on top of that, sometimes we have habits around that energy that’s kind of gotten a little bit stuck or that you haven’t noticed, and so coaching helps so much to help change beliefs and other things that have kind of caused that that energy to get stuck, and stuck energy can show up in physical issues. It can show up in, oh I’ve tried so many times to get over this and I can’t, like, there’s so many little things that show up that, hey, there’s just probably a little bit of energy that needs to be moved around or brought to your awareness. So that you can release that and move on instead of sticking with it and resisting it.

Oh, I love how that all ties together, and you’re able to do that. That is like the coolest language, I would think, to be able to read. That’s awesome. It’s pretty fun. So kindness, I love that you notice that and love that about you too. That’s beautiful. Alright, so I love talking all things daughter-in-law. So any thoughts? I know you don’t have daughters-in-law yet. Any thoughts about being a daughter-in-law?

First of all, the one thing that I’ve like learned with coaching too, is like I am already trying to decide to love my future son-in-laws, right. Like, I don’t have any yet, but deciding now that I’m going to choose to love them.

Now being a daughter-in-law, I have an awesome mother-in-law. A wonderful mom. Nobody’s perfect, and there’s challenges at times with that. But really, I feel like I just always try to show up as myself, and to be confident in who I am, and to not change who I am to meet the needs of others.

I also really, I don’t know, just being able to connect with a daughter-in-law, mother-in-law relationship, I just feel like is very unique and because like, it’s not your mom, but it’s someone that is like a mother in a way, you know, and being able to connect with them on that level. And my mother-in-law law and I, we have some great conversations and a lot in common with one another.

I was thinking about this a little bit more when I work on a lot of relationships in energy work. And mother-in-law, daughter-in-law does come up at times. And the biggest thing that I noticed with all that, or thinking like what were the issues that have come up, or what do we need to clear the most when I’m working on that relationship?

And the main thing is, not making it about you. So if there’s ever any issues with a daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, whatever, wherever you’re at with that or any relationship, is working hard to not make it about you. And because I see it so clearly in energy work when they’re like, this person, this is going on, I don’t like to be around them. I don’t like talking to them, whatever it may be. I can look at the energy and it’s like, what they’re doing has nothing to do with you. Like they’re just kind of pushing that energy onto you, so you need to not make it about them either. Like, we need to shift this energy back to you, and it’s almost like a way for you to heal yourself more deeply and learn to love yourself more deeply when there are those issues.

But anyway, overall, I love my mother-in-law. I’m excited to be a mother-in-law one day. Hopefully that happens. That is so fun. Well, and I love that you said too, showing up as yourself, because I know I work with a lot of mother-in-laws who tiptoe around, who walk on eggshells around their daughter-in-laws. So I love that you as a daughter-in-law, are willing to show up as yourself. And I think as we as mother-in-laws, and daughter-in-laws, and whoever, are willing to just be us, and we can appreciate the other as just being them, it just makes so much more, you know, so much better. So, totally. I love it.

Alright, so anything else you’d like to share, and where can our audience go to find out more about you? So I am on Instagram, and my business is called Living Awake with Maren. It’s kind of long. I like that. But, I remember one day I was in the car with my sister one day and, you know, as I learned I have this gift to see energy and started sharing it with my family. My family was like, this is so weird, but it’s so cool. And I had worked on my sister that day and she said to me, It’s like you’re helping me to like live my life fully awake. And so in that moment I was like, or later on when I was like, what should I call this? Or what am I doing? And that really is the essence of it, is helping people to like fully be aware, and live awake in their life, and not go through life sleepwalking or whatever that may be.

So Instagram @livingawakewithmaren, or you can email me at livingawakewithmaren@gmail.com. So those are a couple of things. And yeah, I love this work. I love helping people connect more with themselves, and then also helping to heal relationships, issues at work, health issues, all those things. To be able to dig into those and really help someone live their life in fullness is my goal. Ah, that’s so beautiful. I love that. And I’ll put these in the show notes as well, so thank you for sharing that.

Alright, our last question: What is your favorite quote about love and how have you used it for yourself and in your relationships?

So this one’s kind of a long one, but I love it, so stick with me. This is by Marianne Williamson, and it says: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I absolutely love that quote. Like, every time I think of quotes, this one always comes up. If you can really think about that. And as I connect with that, it’s true. It’s like if my power, my strength, that’s almost what kind of scares me at times to show up. And I have learned that as I show up, I can help others. And one thing that I’ve learned so much doing energy work, is that a lot of people play small and try to dimm their light because they don’t wanna make other people feel bad or feel less than, but what I’ve seen is that when people really shine their light and let it shine, it really does allow other people the permission to do the same, like oh my gosh, they’re doing it. I can do that too.

So that’s why I love this quote so much to be able to really step into who I am and give other people permission as well to step into themselves and loving ourselves. Like the people that I love to be around the most are those that are like, just competent in who they are. And I think it’s because it’s like, that’s what I want to, and that’s truly authentic for all of us. So there you have it. That is so beautiful and just letting our light shine. Mmm, something to think about.

Thank you Maren, for sharing your beautiful energy and your love with us. Have a good one y’all, and here’s to living awake and love.

If you’d like to experience some energy work on yourself and work with Maren, join Lovin My Daughter-in-law Program this month. She’ll be coming to one of our group calls and will be spending some time doing energy work on anyone who would like. So join Lovin My Daughter-in-law and come see what energy work is all about. Hope to see you there.

If you enjoy this podcast, check out LeAnn’s Lovin My Daughter-in-law Program, where she coaches and teaches a variety of ways to have more fun and connection in our relationships. LeAnn also shares the five secrets she uses to create a beautiful relationship with me and her other daughter-in-law. She’s the real deal. I highly recommend you check this out.

And if you want one easy question you can keep in your back pocket and use to increase the love you feel for your daughter-in-law today. Go to leannaustin.com and get the one question.

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