Episode 79: My Childhood Goals

What were your childhood goals?

Take a listen to hear some of mine😬

Goals play an important part in the relationship we have with ourselves, which also affects our relationship with our daughter-in-law and everyone we care about.

Welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast, where my mother-in-law, relationship expert and master certified coach LeAnn Austin, will help you create more love and connection with your daughter-in-law and everyone else who care about.

Hey y’all, you’re listening to Lovin My Daughter-in-law, episode #79: My Childhood Goals

Do you remember any of your goals from when you were a kid? Well, my parents found a page of my goals and gave it to me recently. It was on a yellow legal pad, 14 inch paper. It was very long and the whole front was filled up, and half of the back. It doesn’t have a date on it, but I’m guessing I was around 14.

Here are a few things that I’d written down. The page at the top was titled Goals with a little curly cue after it, and it said:

Have a best friend relationship with each member of the family.

Become a wonderful piano player.

Graduate as valedictorian from both high school and college.

Learn word perfect.

Do serviceable acts often.

Eat only, which was underlined, healthy foods and exercise daily

Smile all, also underlined, the time! (exclamation point)

I might add, I had a lot of exclamation points and underlined words on this list.

Alright, there was also never gossip.

Be a good listener.

Take lifesaving and pass.

Become patient.

Overcome procrastination.

Become the type of person I would want to be with.

Don’t complain.

Forgive and don’t hold grudges.

Re-obtain the glow about my countenance. Now re was underlined, so apparently I’d lost the glow about my countenance.

Complete college.

Keep all, also underlined, the commandments! (exclamation point)

Be nice to Sunday School teachers. That’s a whole other episode.

Watch the news and read the paper, which I find hilarious because I don’t do either now.

Stay out of debt.

And the last one in all caps and exclamation point was, BE HAPPY!

Now there’s more intermixed throughout, but I’m sure you’ve heard enough of my childhood goals.

It’s so fascinating to me to read what was important to me over 35 years ago, and to think about what really matters to me now. I think goals are great and I like having them. I do think a lot less than 40 is much more manageable. I believe goals have an important part in the relationships that we have with ourselves, which also affects our relationship with our daughter-in-law and anybody we care about.

Seeing my list of childhood goals not only brought up a lot of memories, but also got me thinking about what I truly want now. If we don’t set goals for our life, then it’s almost certain we’ll be disappointed with our results. So think about your childhood goals versus the goals you have now. Is there one you wanted then and you still want now? Go after it.

I love Zig Ziglar’s thought: “If you aim at nothing, you will hit every time.” Hmmm, something to think about.

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to goals and love.

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If you enjoy this podcast, check out LeAnn’s Lovin My Daughter-in-law Program where she coaches and teaches a variety of ways to have more fun and connection in our relationships. LeAnn also shares the five secrets she uses to create a beautiful relationship with me and her other daughter-in-law. She’s the real deal. I highly recommend you check this out.

And if you want one easy question you can keep in your back pocket and use to increase the love you feel for your daughter-in-law today, go to leannaustin.com and get the one question.

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