Episode 64: Helping Others with Shaina DeFichy

 Connect with Shaina:

You’re listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you’ll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sizes tidbit of love ~ I’m your host, LeAnn Austin 

Hey y’all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #64: Helping Others with Shaina DeFichy 

I love observing and connecting with other humans, especially noting how they feel and implement love into their lives.

We have the amazing Shaina sharing some beautiful love insights with us today. Alright Shaina, briefly introduce yourself. 

Hey LeAnn, so my name’s Shaina DeFichy. I’m a wife, a dog mom to two amazing rescue pups, and a business coach for coaches, where I help them sell out their programs organically in five hours a week, and doing it in a way that feels amazing for them. So that’s it. 

That is awesome. And Shaina helps me with my business, so I’m so lucky, and I love that she’s a dog mom too. So fun. That’s awesome. Alright, so I’ve got three questions for you. The first one is, how do you incorporate love into your business and or your life? 

Okay, so I’ll speak to business specifically, but this also applies to life as well. And this is not something that I just did naturally, or started doing when I first started my business. It really wasn’t easy at first, but it’s doing what I really love in business, and doing it a way that I love to do it. Not just doing what the experts say to do, or that you should do, but really asking yourself, Hey, what do I want to do? What do I love to do? And doing it that way. So that’s really how I incorporate, or I use that question to incorporate more love into my life and then into my business as well, and what my clients do that in their businesses as well. 

I think that is just so key because often we think there’s like a certain way it’s supposed to be done or whatever. And I don’t know if it sounds like for you too, it just feels better when you’re kind of doing it your way and not the should way or whatever. 

Yes. And it causes so much like resistance and stress and like I think leads to a lot of burnout when we try to do it maybe someone else’s way, which is never fun. No one wants to do that. Definitely not more loving. And right, so when you’re able to really tap into what do I love, what feels good for me, right? There is so much more fun there. There’s so much more success as well that I see, and much easier to do it that way. So why not try it that way? 

Ah, I love that, and you’ve got me thinking too, cuz I think about times when I’ve told you Shaina, I just can’t do this. I keep trying to do something over and over. I just have so much resistance. But you’re always so good to be like, wait, what do you love to do? Let’s like hone in on that, rather than doing these things that I don’t necessarily love.

Yes, exactly. And might be beautiful for somebody else.  Right? And we see them and be like, oh, it looks so easy for them because maybe that’s what they love, but maybe it’s not necessarily what’s right for you. So always checking in, I think is key. 

Oh, that’s so good. Yes, totally agree. Okay, so number two: What is something you love about you and why? 

Okay. So I really love that I love helping others. It’s always been something that I’ve just naturally loved doing since I was little. And it’s a little bit of like a selfish reason because it’s just so much fun for me to see people completely change their perspectives of themselves, and truly see how amazing and incredible that they are, and like just blow their minds. So that’s something that I really love and I think just really drives me to do what I do and, you know, and help as many people as I can.  

And you know, sometimes people say that and it’s like, oh yeah, whatever. They like to help people, and that’s why I wanted you on here because no, you genuinely do. Like you get excited when I tell you things about whatever. It’s like I know you really wanna help me, and like it just radiates and I so appreciate that. And I’m sure all of your clients feel the same way too, because it’s like that genuine, I really wanna help you. I really wanna, you know, and even if it’s following me or commenting on Instagram stuff or whatever. It’s like just that true, genuine, that is such a gift. I’m so grateful that you have that, and that you recognize it as well. Like, that’s so cool. I love it. 

Thank you. Yes, I love seeing my people do, like I get so much happier when I see other people and my people doing amazing, than for myself. It’s fun. 

Ah, I love that. Alright, so before I ask you the last question, is there anything else you’d like to share? And also where can our audience go to find out more about you? 

I don’t think anything else specific that I wanna share, but you can definitely find me on Instagram @LifeCoachShaina, and then also on TikTok, where I like to do lots of fun videos @CoachForCoaches.

Oh, so good. And I’ll put those in the show notes as well. And you’ve got some really cool reels and videos. Oh, thank you. So fun. So, last question: What is your favorite question or quote about love? 

Okay, so this is actually a question that comes from a book that I love and highly recommend if you or anyone in your audience hasn’t read it yet, but the book is called, and the question is, “If you loved yourself, what would you do now?” And this question I just think is so powerful and kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier, but it just makes everything so much easier when I ask this question, because it just brings it back to if I really loved me, what would I want to do? And it kind of clears out like all the junk or the shoulds or whatever someone else might say, and really takes me to, okay, what do I wanna do next? And just brings in a lot of magic. So that’s my favorite question. 

I love that question too: “if you loved yourself, what would you do now?” Hmm, something to think about.

Thank you Shaina, for sharing your tidbits of love with us. 

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to helping others and love. 

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What would it feel like to finish your goals? Enjoy your relationships, especially with your daughter-in-law, appreciate your body, and embrace being you? Join my Lovin Me program today, and see yourself in a whole new way. 

You’re already really good at loving others. I’ll help you become an expert at loving you. More information at leannaustin.com

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