Episode 50: High Five

 Why are high fives and light switches the perfect way to start your day?

You’re listening to the Love Tidbits podcast, where you’ll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love ~ I’m your host, LeAnn Austin 

Hey y’all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #50: High Five 

When’s the last time you gave someone a high five? Mine was a few weeks ago when I saw a cute kid I worked with years ago, when he was getting his Eagle Scout Award. I like high fives. They’re a fun way to greet or congratulate people. It feels good to me to high five someone.  And I really like The High Five Habit book by Mel Robbins. 

Y’all have probably heard about my light switch trick, where you turn on a light and tell yourself something that you love about you.

Well, Mel has something similar, where she gives herself a high five in the mirror every morning.  When we start our day off with a high five or a light switch, and comment what we appreciate about ourselves; we cheer ourselves on, we give ourselves encouragement, we celebrate us, we self-validate what we’re doing, and guess what? When we’re loving and caring for ourselves, we’re so much better able to love and have compassion for others. 

Now, Mel says, there are two reasons we want to do this first thing in the morning. First, it will impact your productivity and how you show up all day.  And second, it teaches you to put your own needs first from the moment you wake up.

Her High Five Challenge is something she encourages us all to try for five days and see what happens. You’ve had a lifetime of high fiving friends, teammates, and even strangers, now let’s create a habit of doing it to yourself. See if it doesn’t improve your mood and help you achieve your goals. The High Five Habit is an awesome book and I recommend reading it if you want to learn more.

One of my favorite quotes from Mel is this:  “Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for everything in your life. How you talk to and treat yourself sets the tone for everything you do. It determines how you feel, what you think, and what actions you take. If you look in the mirror and don’t see a person worth celebrating, it’s time to change that.” Hmmm, something to think about. 

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to high fives, light switches, and love. 

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What would it feel like to finish your goals, enjoy your relationships, especially with your daughter-in-law, appreciate your body, and embrace being you?  Join my Lovin Me program today, and see yourself in a whole new way. 

You’re already really good at loving others. I’ll help you become an expert at loving you. More information at leannaustin.com