Episode 24: Say What I Feel with Caleb Price

Ways to connect with Caleb~
instagram: calebthecollegecoach
Relatable Thoughts Podcast

You’re listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you’ll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love ~ I’m your host, LeAnn Austin 

Hey y’all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #24: Say What I Feel with Caleb Price 

I love observing and connecting with other humans, especially noting how they feel and implement love into their lives. 

We have the amazing Caleb Price sharing some beautiful love insights with us today. Alright Caleb, briefly introduce yourself. 

Hi guys, so my name’s Caleb, I am 24. I turned 25 actually in two days, Thursday, so when we’re recording. I don’t know when this is coming out, but I turn 25, and so I’m pretty young. I’m also a guy, but I’m also a life coach, which is awesome. I love it. So I specialize in coaching specifically, college students or young adults. Really of any age, you just want to find more purpose in life, who want to break up with anxiety, and like find their version of success in the world in which we live. And so, and a big part of that is focusing on love and loving ourselves. And that’s one of the biggest things that brought me into this work.

So yeah, I’m super excited to be here. And then I guess, fun facts: I also play the violin, I like to make pizza in my spare time and, I don’t know, I’m a big movie nerd, which you’ll see, cuz my quote is from a movie. 

That is so fun. I love violin, pizza, and movies. Sounds like an awesome combination.  I love it.

Alright, so first question: How do you incorporate love into your business and or your life? 

For me, I incorporate it by always, reminding myself daily, why I’m doing it and reminding myself that I love myself however I’m showing up in the day. When it comes to my business or when it just comes to my day to day life.

So recently I just started a full-time job. And so I’m doing that alongside this coaching thing before it was just school and coaching, which was like also busy, but this is a new kind of busy where like I’m going to a job. And then after I’m tired and I’m like ugh. And so it can be really hard, easy to be like hard on myself, or be like, I don’t want to show up this way or like this isn’t worth it, or it’s not gonna do anything.

But, whenever I have a conversation with someone about like, they’re just like, well, how did you get into life coaching? I’m always reminded by how I felt in that moment when I was getting coached for the first time, and just how my life was dramatically changed that day.  Where I was like, basically my coach told me how I wasn’t loving myself, and how I was making everything about needing to change, needing to be something, needing to show up in a certain way. When the gift of life is I just get to, I don’t have to be anything. And that right now I’m a hundred percent lovable. I can just show up. And it’s from that place of love that we get to do amazing things and we have the possibility to change.

And so, it was that revelation that just like shocked my whole world. And it’s that where like a couple months down the line, I was just like, why does no one know about this? Why do none of my friends know about the truth that you are a hundred percent loved and lovable right now. You don’t have to change. And it’s just our brain’s getting in the way of that basically. Telling us that, you know, telling us things that aren’t true, or trying to make the truth seem wrong. And so that’s why I work on reminding myself that I look at myself in the mirror, and I just remind myself, hey I’m loved. However, we’re showing up today. It’s gonna be great. And it’s not to say, it’s not perfect by any means, but I think part of the goal and is just in love, is always striving towards this reminder, cuz it’s so easy to forget that we’re supposed to love ourselves.  

Ahhh, Caleb, this is just making my heart sing because I have a 25 year old son as well. And just how you know right now, hey, I love me. I love all these things about me. I want to share that. I mean, ahhh, that’s amazing, amazing stuff. Where did you even, I mean, learn about this, where did you even, and maybe you’re going to talk about this later. I don’t know, I mean:

I can, so yeah, my mom, she’s actually a life coach. Okay, cool. April Price, and so she, so I was on my, on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Italy. Okay. For two years.  And during that time she found life coaching and was just beginning this whole transformation. So it was really cool cause I came home and I just saw a completely different person basically, like just someone who I saw was like, who loved themselves, and began like loving their life.

Not to say it was bad before, but it was just so much more now. I could just see her so much more full of life, and I kind of was like, well, that’s great. And just moved on. But, and then I just kept noticing, wow, this is impactful, really different. And she started becoming a life coach and everything. And, and then it was at that point where I kind of had a downturn where I wasn’t loving myself at all.

Like just noticing this pattern of feeling the need to perform, to be a perfectionist to people please, and around 2020 happened, and I was just like, wasn’t in love with my classes, my major, thought, how am I going to get a job, or do anything. Like, I hate it all. And like, and I was just dealing with a lot of stress, and then like put matters, like make it even worse basically, I  was dating someone and I thought that was where my anxiety was coming from. So I broke up with her and that only made me more anxious. And so it was just this like, at this very low point, I wasn’t caring about myself. I wasn’t on my side. And it was just at that point where I was just like, enough’s enough. I gotta get, there’s something that I need to do. 

And so I reached out to a coach, and that’s when I realized, and that’s like the, for me, like the funniest thing is it’s never like, oh, it’s like, I expected like, oh, I’m gonna change all these things and then I’ll finally be good and like, okay, and feel good about life. It’s not about that. It’s just like, you’re just depriving yourself of feeling good right now, cuz that’s totally a hundred percent available to you. You’re just saying that you can’t feel that way.  

Um hum, well for you to realize that and know your value, like in your heart, I can see it as we’re talking, is just amazing. And I love that you’re choosing to share that. That’s so awesome. Ahh, alright Caleb, so number two:  What is something you love about you and why? 

That’s a hard one because, well, it’s hard usually for people because it’s hard to talk about, you know, why they love themselves. Um hum,  and I don’t know, you can come with excuses, like bragging and whatnot. For me, it’s like, there’s a lot of things to choose from that I do love about myself and I do care, but it’s something that I have practiced it.  Before this point it’d have been, been like, well, what’s there to love, but just like from this transformation, it’s just this change of really trying to just seek and like understand like anything about me I could love, even if it’s something that’s like, I don’t know, kind of funny or kind of weird. Like, I don’t know. 

Like, one thing that I really love about myself is my laugh personally. Like I feel like I have a great laugh. It’s just a lot of fun.  I like to tell jokes. I like to be funny or more importantly, I like to laugh with people or at people’s jokes and stuff.  I remember one experience in my life, like where we were at a musical, my sister was performing at and it was a comedy. It wasn’t, it was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t just making fun of it. So it was supposed to be funny. And me and my friend, we were dying laughing. And later that week, or sometime, either my sister or some of her friends or someone they reached out and they were just like, I could tell you were in the audience cuz of your laugh and like you made it that much more enjoyable.  And it’s, and like, you know, my siblings would be like, let’s go to the movies cuz like with you, it’s more fun cuz you’re gonna laugh and your laugh is like contagious.

And so that could easily for me be something like, oh, I’m being noticed, I’m obnoxious. And like sometimes my brain does tell me that, but I’ve just chosen to accept it as like, this is who I am and like really lean into like, yeah, I like this about myself. I like that I laugh. A lot of people might not like that. I know probably some people watching a movie, they’re gonna be like, well, now I can’t hear what’s going on, we need to have the subtitles on or something like that. But that’s just like one thing that off the top of my head, like, I really love my laugh and just like, and also being able to find humor in even the, I don’t know, most boring or most difficult circumstances.   

Um hum, so fun. Ah, I love that too, we gotta get you laughing now. Alright Caleb, so before I ask you the last question, anything else you’d like to share, and where can our audience go to find out more about you? 

Yeah definitely, for me as a coach, I focus a lot on helping young adults see themselves for who they truly are.  That underneath all these thoughts of anxiety and fear, I help them try to understand the truth of why their body is communicating and their brain is communicating to them in this way. 

For example, last night, I think one great truth that also really goes along with this is that one reason, I think the most important reason, why we experience fear, is because we love.  Is because we care. Well, I was coaching someone and he was explaining all these fears and anxieties about having a difficult conversation with his romantic partner, about his desires and was worried about being selfish and like what she was gonna say and everything. And he had all this fear and anxiety and felt like I shouldn’t be this way, you know, all these thoughts and this drama. And I just loved being able to remind him. And it just dawned on me, you know the reason why you’re afraid is because you care about this person.  You care, and you love them so much that you want them to like you, you want them to like still be with you after you express the desire.

I mean, that seems really extreme, but that’s where our brain goes. Because that’s what it wants, it cares. And while that’s not necessarily the healthiest place, I love reminding ourself that our base desire, our default setting in for all of us as human beings, is love. It’s returning to this idea that yes, love is how we operate, love is how we can truly see ourselves. We just have a brain that challenges us. That forces us to remind ourselves that, hey love is this answer that requires us to even have faith and believe in it when we don’t see it happening, when we don’t see the end in sight or any way that we could even be loved by others, or it just seems like love is out of our reach, or we just can’t feel that way. Even, it just doesn’t feel like we have that. It’s about believing it and then trying and testing and striving.  And it’s just my firm belief that like love is like our default. And it’s the reason why we do a lot of things. Sometimes, unfortunately, but most of the time it’s for good. 

Mm-hmm, so beautiful. Alright so where can people hear about you Caleb? 

Oh yeah, so well my website is calebpricecoaching.com you can go visit that.  And if you’re, you know, young adults and you’re curious about working with me, even if you’re a parent, I help parents.  I have a free worksheet telling them how they can be there in love and acceptance for their kids, even when they don’t agree. Cuz as college kids, we kind of tend to choose our own paths and our parents don’t usually agree necessarily with that. And so helping them to get to a loving place. And as well as I have a podcast, so my podcast is called Relatable Thoughts. I focus on advice and you know, young people and just also tell lots of funny stories to relate to life coaching principles. And you know, it’s just a, it’s a good time. So that’s where you can find me. And also, I mean, Instagram that’s social media is on there. So @calebthecollegecoach, that’s where I’m at. 

Okay on Instagram, and I’ll put all of these things in the show notes, but just a shout out to your podcast. I just found out about it and started listening to it.

And I send it to all my single or all my adults kiddos, and I’m like, hey y’all listen to Caleb. My married ones, my single ones. I’m like everybody listen to Caleb. So I’m excited to listen to more of those too. So well done, and I love that a 24/25 year old guy has his own podcast. That’s awesome. Yeah, I love it.  

Nice, alright, the last question: What is your favorite question or quote about love? 

So this one, it’s really good. It’s I didn’t, I don’t usually think of it as a quote. I mean, I pulled up a quote from it, but my favorite movie is a movie called Arrival. If you’ve seen it. It’s with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, long story short it’s about aliens, but the big plot about it is about how love basically like is not bound by time, and how our perception of time is bound by language and our thoughts. And it’s really cool.  

But there’s this quote at the very end of it. Because the whole idea is about thinking about time differently. And so it comes, there’s like some future time travel stuff and you have to all watch it. It’s a really great movie. It’ll blow your mind. But the most important part is at the very end, these two are talking, and so she asked, like, if you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things? And then Jeremy Renner responds and says, “well maybe I’d say what I feel more often.” And it’s this idea that he, I mean up until this point in his life, he just realized what he was lacking was kind of focusing on love and this desire. And so, and they be, you know, become a couple and it’s really wonderful. And it’s really interesting cuz then Amy Adams on her part, she sees from the end, from the beginning and she sees that, yeah, they’re gonna end up divorcing, and she’s like, but she still chooses to be with him. Because she knows that experiencing the love is going to make it all worth it, like going through it. That’s what journey of life is. It’s a really great movie. You all have to watch it. It’s awesome. 

But I just personally love the concept of maybe I’d say what I feel more often, specifically about love. I used to, I don’t know, kind of make fun of myself for wanting to say like, I love you so much. Like at the end of every phone call with my family, or even to my friends who like, you know, they’re bros, they’re guys. They’re not saying I love you, probably hardly ever. And it was just this idea in my mind of like, I want to really just normalize love and really normalize this idea about like, if I feel a certain way then like, why am I depriving other people from hearing it? And why am I depriving myself of feeling satisfied in letting people know? And so it’s just, that’s my quote. It’s really good. 

Yes it is. “Maybe I’d say what I feel more often.”  
Hmmm, something to think about. 

Thank you Caleb, for sharing your tidbits of love with us.  Have a good one y’all, and here’s to love. 

If you would like to become an expert at loving yourself, check out my Lovin Me Program at leannaustin.com

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