Episode 131: Your Ducks in a Row

  How does getting “your ducks in a row” help you organize your life?

Take a listen for the 4 steps to organize the things you’ve been putting off, and finally get them done.

If you join Connection Crew Program by August 5th, you’ll get a hard copy of my organizational process to write down and complete for yourself. When you see this process on paper, and insert your unique tasks that you want organized, you’re much more likely to complete them versus when you just have it in your head.

In Connection Crew, we’ll walk through this process together ~ identify YOUR ducks, prioritize their order, create a clear plan, and take action one duck at a time. Join HERE

Welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast. I’m relationship expert and master certified coach LeAnn Austin. I’ll help you create more connection and fun with others, especially your daughter-in-law.

Hey y’all, you’re listening to Lovin My Daughter-in-law, episode #131: Your Ducks in a Row

I’m going to tell you about ducks and how they will help you get the things done you’ve been trying to finish for years.

When our boys were littles, my husband Jeff would take them places. He told the boys that mommy duck quacks to make sure her kids are still coming. So Jeff would quack at the boys. One quack for Brandon, two quacks for Kurtis, three quacks for Nick, and four quacks for Justin. That’s how Jeff knew all the four boys were still with him, and this was a fun way for them to all connect and quack. So I have a tender spot in my heart for ducks.

Let’s get into how ducks in a row can help you. But before we do that, what does ducks in a row even mean? It’s simply being well prepared or well organized for something which is going to happen to make sure you get your things done and your life much easier. Each duck represents a task or a responsibility. And putting them in a row means arranging them in an orderly manner.

Have you ever watched ducks and noticed that when they’re in a row, they move smoothly and in an intentional direction, but when they’re scattered everywhere, not so much. Organizing our life is similar. When we’re specific about the tasks we want to do, it helps life run more efficiently.

I’m pretty organized and I like things in order. Here are four things that have helped me to do that and get my ducks in a row.

First, Prioritize. Figure out what is most important to you and do that first. When I have a bunch of things to do, I’m intentional about what I’m going to do first. After I do what I really want to accomplish, I celebrate what I’ve done and then prioritize the next thing.

Second, Outline. You’ve picked the item you want to finish, now make a plan. Write out the steps you will take to finish this task. I think writing the outline on paper makes it easier so I can see exactly what I need to do. Then I can cross off the things I’ve accomplished. Or put a sticker by them if you like that visual way of celebrating.

Number three, Simplify. Keep things as simple as possible and eliminate unnecessary items or steps. When I’m looking around my house or at my schedule, I ask myself: do I love it, need it, or use it? If not, it goes.

I was cleaning the pantry this week and found a hamburger patty maker that we haven’t used in years. I asked myself the three questions. Do I love it? Not really. Do I need it? Nope. I rarely make patties and I can do it with my hands if I need. And do I use it? Well, I haven’t used it for years. So, I passed it on to someone who will use it. And it gave me more space in my pantry too.

As far as my schedule goes, I ask myself if it’s really important to me and do I really need to get it done. If not, I cross it off my list.

And lastly, Consistent. Develop routines and systems that you can maintain consistently. You can do this by habit stacking, meaning you pair the thing you want to do with something you already do automatically.

For example, if you’re consistent with brushing your teeth every morning, think about something else you want to be consistent with. Maybe it’s going for a walk, meditating, reading a few pages of a book, whatever it is that you want to do. Now tell yourself that you will do that thing before you brush your teeth every day. Practice over and over until it becomes a habit. That helps get it done and create consistency with something that you want as you’re organizing your life. It takes practice to be consistent, and it’s impossible to be consistent at everything, so choose the things that are most important to you and be consistent with those.

So pick one of these four things: Prioritize, Outline, Simplify, and Consistent. Which one could you use more support on and would help you become more organized? I’d love to hear about it.

For the month of August in Connection Crew, I’m going to help you organize the thing you’ve been putting off and get-r-done. You may want to organize photos, clean a closet, plan a family vacation, whatever task you’ve been putting off for months or years. Now’s the time to get your ducks in a row and make it happen.

Join Connection Crew by August 5th and you’ll get a hard copy of my organizational process to write down and complete for yourself. You will finally complete the things you’ve been putting off for years. When you see this process on paper and insert your unique tasks that you want organized, you’re much more likely to complete them versus when you just have it in your head.

In Connection Crew, we’ll walk through this process together, identify your ducks, prioritize their order, create a clear plan, and take action one duck at a time.

Join Connection Crew HERE today and you’ll have immediate access to everything in the program, have a simple organizational worksheet to use for everything you want to do, and finally get the things done that you’ve been putting off.

This quote made me laugh. “I don’t have ducks in a row, I have squirrels and they’re everywhere.” Hmm, something to think about.

Join us in Connection Crew where I’ll help you get rid of the squirrels and organize your life in a way that you can get the things done that mean the most to you.

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to ducks, organization, connection, and love. If this podcast resonates with you, share it with a friend and leave a review.

If you enjoyed this podcast, take a look at my Connection Crew Program and One-on-One Coaching options by checking out the show notes. In those programs, I teach and coach a variety of ways to have more fun and connection in your relationships. I also share how I have created a beautiful relationship with my daughters-in-law.

And if you want one easy question you can keep in your back pocket and use to increase the love you feel for your daughter-in-law today, go to leannaustin.com and get the one question.

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