Episode 126: More Than Our Body

  Do you spend a lot of time worrying about the number on the scale and what your body looks like?

So much beautiful wisdom from Lexie & Lindsay Kite and their excellent book More Than A Body

For the month of July in Connection Crew we will focus on knowing how to feel, and what we want to do and experience in our bodies. We will also gain more appreciation and love for the magnificent instruments that our bodies truly are.

I’ll teach you how to use your body, regardless of how it appears, as a beautiful instrument for your own experience and benefit.

As a special bonus ONLY for July, if you sign up for Connection Crew by July 1st, or are already in Connection Crew, you get a 10 minute one-on-one session with me to talk about your unique body and the specific steps that you can take to turn your focus inside your body rather than it’s outside appearance.

Let’s explore being More Than Our Bodies and Connection Crew is the perfect place to do this together. Look forward to seeing you there~

Welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast. I’m relationship expert and master certified coach LeAnn Austin. I’ll help you create more connection and fun with others, especially your daughter-in-law.

Hey y’all, you’re listening to Lovin My Daughter-in-law, episode #126: More Than Our Body

I’ve spent most of my life being overly concerned with what my body looks like, and often emphasize the things I don’t like much about it. As I’ve been strengthening my mental and emotional muscles over the past seven years, I really appreciate my body more than ever before, and understand that we are so much more than our bodies.

I like and recommend the book, More Than A Body, by Lindsay and Lexie Kite. They say, “rather than deciding what you want to weigh or how you want to look, what if you decide how you want to feel, what you want to do, and what you want to experience along the way.” I love this. This is really different than what most of us are thinking about our bodies.

What if it wasn’t about the number on the scale and was about how we want to feel and what we want to do and experience in our lives? This is what I’m doing and want to help you with too. In my Connection Crew program, we are fine tuning the ways we can focus on so much more than the size and shapes of our bodies.

When we’ve grown up and lived so much of our lives thinking of our bodies and our health from the outside, it takes a big perspective shift to understand ourselves from the inside.

Lindsay and Lexie summarize this paradigm shift through one simple mantra: “My body is an instrument, not an ornament.” This mantra shifts your outlook from form to function and feeling, from an outsider focus view to an insider knowledge. Our bodies are instruments for our own personal use, experience, and benefit – not ornaments to be admired.

Let’s play with this for a minute. I want you to imagine your body being an instrument. Maybe you visualize your body as a violin, a guitar, or a piano. Each instrument has a unique feature and needs to be well maintained to produce music. The instrument, a.k.a. our body, requires tuning and regular care.

Now, think of the musician who plays the instrument. The musician represents your mind, spirit, or true self. The musician is the one who brings the instrument, or our body, to life by playing it, creating music, and expressing emotions through it.

For the instrument to produce harmonious music, the musician needs to have skill, practice, and an understanding of how to play. Similarly, your body functions best when your mind and spirit are in harmony, guiding your actions and expressing your inner self.

Just as the musician is separate from the instrument, you are more than just your body. Your true self includes your thoughts, feelings, creativity, and consciousness.

The body, like an instrument, is a valuable tool that allows you to interact with the world and express yourself, but it does not define who you are. Your identity is shaped by your inner experiences, values, and aspirations.

Taking care of your instrument, meaning your body, is important, but so is nurturing the musician, meaning your mind and spirit.

For the month of July in Connection Crew, we will focus on knowing how to feel, and what we want to do and experience in our bodies. We will also gain more appreciation and love for the magnificent instruments that our bodies truly are.

I’ll teach you how to use your body, regardless of how it appears, as a beautiful instrument for your own experience and benefit.

As a special bonus ONLY for July, if you sign up for Connection Crew by July 1st, or are already in Connection Crew, you get a 10 minute one-on-one session with me to talk about your unique body and the specific steps that you can take to turn your focus inside your body rather than its outside appearance.

More information is in the show notes. Let’s explore being more than our bodies and Connection Crew is the perfect place to do this together. Join HERE
Look forward to seeing you there.

One more quote from the book, More Than A Body. “Positive body image is an inside job. When we keep attempting to fix an internal, mental problem with outside, physical solutions, those quick fixes will never really solve our problems. Hmm, something to think about.

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to knowing we’re more than our body, connection, and love.

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If you enjoyed this podcast, take a look at my Connection Crew program and One-on-One coaching options by checking out the show notes. In those programs, I teach and coach a variety of ways to have more fun and connection in your relationships. I also share how I have created a beautiful relationship with my daughters-in-law.

And if you want one easy question, you can keep in your back pocket and use to increase the love you feel for your daughter-in-law today, go to leannaustin.com and get the one question.

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