Episode 118: Love=Connection+Fun

I created an equation: Love = Connection + Fun
Give it a try. Notice if you incorporate fun and connection in your relationships, do you feel more love?

Let me know how my equation works for you~

 Welcome to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast, where my mother-in-law, relationship expert and master certified coach LeAnn Austin will help you create more love and connection with your daughter in law and everyone else you care about.

Hey y’all, you’re listening to Lovin My Daughter-in-law, episode #118: Love = Connection + Fun

School is winding down. Finals are happening. You, your kids, or your grandkids may be trying to remember equations or formulas for tests and finals that they are taking.

When explaining what a formula or an equation is, it’s basically a mathematical expression used to calculate values based on given inputs. For example, area = length x width, or 3 + 4 = 7. Formulas and equations describe the relationships between different variables. By studying these relationships, we can understand how changes in one variable affect another.

Working with formulas and equations enhances our problem solving skills. It requires critical thinking and logical reasoning to apply the right formula and solve for the unknown variables.

Take a minute and think about some of the formulas or equations that you’ve learned and used in your life. What comes to mind?

I do remember trying to cram for tests in high school and college and thinking some of these formulas were for really smart people and problem solving was not my thing. And now, if it comes to tech, putting something together, or understanding a foreign concept, I’d much rather have someone show me than try and figure out a formula.

However, if we’re talking about relationships, now that’s my language. I love to learn everything possible about love and connection. For the past six plus years, I’ve been studying and teaching about the relationship we have with ourselves and others, especially our daughter-in-law.

I’ve discovered that using acronyms can be helpful in my teaching and coaching. It simplifies things and makes it easy to remember certain concepts. So building on that, I created a formula that has greatly strengthened the connection I have with others and myself. I’ve tried and tested this equation for many years now and have taught it to some of my clients as well.

I’d love to share it with you and challenge you to test it out and let me know what you discover as you incorporate this formula into your life. My equation is: Love = Connection + Fun. That’s it. I truly believe that we feel more love when we find ways to incorporate connection and fun into our relationships with others and with ourselves.

Now formulas and equations can serve as powerful tools for understanding many things. And my favorite quote is: “you either love someone or you don’t understand them.” So if we want to love someone more, then figuring out ways to understand them can be a game changer.

I believe this can happen by creating more opportunities to connect and have fun. Hence my equation: Love = Connection + Fun. Give it a try. Notice if you incorporate fun and connection in your relationships, do you feel more love? See if this formula works for you, and if it strengthens your relationships.

Certain equations, such as the laws of physics or mathematical theorems, represent universal principles that apply across different contexts. Studying these equations provides insight into fundamental laws that govern the universe. I wonder if my equation: Love = Connection + Fun could be a universal principle as well. Hmmm.

I found this fascinating quote: “If a scientist does not understand a problem, he writes down many formulas, but as soon as he understood it, there remain at most two. It’s only in the mysterious equations of love that any logical reasons can be found.” Hmm, something to think about.

Have a good one y’all, and here’s to Love = Connection + Fun

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If you enjoyed this podcast, check out LeAnn’s Connection Crew Program, where she coaches and teaches a variety of ways to have more fun and connection in our relationships. LeAnn also shares the five secrets she uses to create a beautiful relationship with me and her other daughter-in-law. She’s the real deal. I highly recommend you check this out.

And if you want one easy question you can keep in your back pocket and use to increase the love you feel for your daughter-in-law today, go to leannaustin.com and get the one question.

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