Helping others

DWQA QuestionsHelping others
Greg asked 3 years ago

The information in these courses is so helpful.  How do I best share what I've learned with others without getting "preachy"?

1 Answers
2leann answered 3 years ago

Many people don't understand the importance of our mental and emotional health, and that's okay.  As you're learning these skills and strengthening your own mental muscles, it will help you in how you're showing up for yourself and for others, and truly change your life.

Simply being an example of the new concepts you are learning is a great way to share.
You could also tell them about the Lovin Me Program and give them the link to join us.
Coaching people against their will is not helpful, and will most likely push them farther away from recognizing the value of life coaching.

When you're in a situation that you feel explaining a coaching principle would be beneficial, ask if that's okay and if the audience is receptive to learning more, share a coaching tool you're learning and how it is enhancing your life.

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