going off protocal

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Questionsgoing off protocal
rivkypines asked 4 weeks ago
Hi Leann I have been trying out a gluten and sugar free protocal and want to try having loving compassion for myself when my brain offers its reasons to eat the cookie or whatever else is desirable in the moment. the thoughts are I really want this and have to have this (just strong urgency for the food ) or it’s okay to have just one (but one is never enough and I don’t stop at 1). I also want to trust myself more that I can stick to this over the weekend when it’s hardest for me with my kids out of school and not always getting along with eachother..
1 Answers
2leann answered 4 weeks ago

Great awareness on your thoughts and I love that you’re striving to have more compassion for yourself.

A few things to dive deeper into…

Feeling an urge is a skill and it takes practice.  Give yourself some time every day to feel the urge, even if it’s just for a minute or two.  Pause and really be aware of what’s happening in your body.  You can also try the physiological sigh that I taught in December or the havening technique that was taught in January to see if those tools help as well.

Celebrate when you allow the urge to be there and not eat the food.  And ask yourself when you do eat the food, what you were thinking or feeling in that moment.

Then step back and question the thoughts you’re having.  Some thoughts you mentioned:
“I really want this.”
Do you really want it?  How will it make you feel or not feel?  Will you be glad you ate it tomorrow when you wake up?

“I have to have this.”
Do you have to have it?  I’m guessing no one is shoving it in your mouth.  Your brain is telling you lots of things so just observe and question them..

It is totally okay to have just one if that’s what you choose to do, but as you mentioned your also thinking…
“One is never enough.”
“I don’t stop at 1.”

Again, these are thoughts you want to wiggle from a loving space.
Is it possible that one could be enough?  Are there times when you have stopped at 1?

As far as the weekend goes, it’s helpful when you plan the night before what you’re going to eat.  It doesn’t have to be super detailed but write down what you’re having or maybe what you’re choosing not to have.  Then follow that plan.  Even if you follow it 80%, celebrate that you’re learning to trust yourself and follow your plan.  This takes practice and the more you do it, the easier it will become.

Come to a call on Tuesday anytime and we can coach on this more if you’d like.  Keep up the great work!

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