Episode 36: God is Love with Tyson Bradley

Ways to connect with Tyson:

You’re listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you’ll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love ~ I’m your host, LeAnn Austin 

We have the amazing Tyson Bradley sharing some beautiful love insights with us today. Alright Tyson, briefly introduce yourself. 

T: Yeah, so my name is Tyson Bradley. I am the father of two redheaded little girls, and soon to be a boy in December. So that’s super fun. And I have a business where I focus on helping people change their identity, so that they can accomplish their goals.  Because I think that everything is, that’s the core of everything, is who we really are.

So I’m writing a book right now and it’s going to be a New York Times bestselling book, and the working title is “Discover Your Inherent Identity: The Simple and Effective Way to Create Change and Make It Last.” So that’s what I’m doing. That’s who I am.  

L: That is so cool and so exciting, and a new little boy on the way. That’s awesome. So fun. Alright, so I’ve got three questions for you. The first, how do you incorporate love into your business and or your life? 

T: I think that love unifies everything in everyone.  And I know you’re going to ask this later about what my favorite quote is, and I don’t know if I can go out of order. Yes, you can.  This totally applies, but my favorite quote on love comes from 1 John 4:8, which in the shortest version of it is just “God is love”. And when I talk about helping others and helping myself discover our inherent identity, what I’m really talking about is that inherently we are children of God.

We are his sons and daughters. We’re born of heavenly parents. We have spiritual bodies, and as crazy as that can be, or may sound to some people, if he is love and I’m made with his DNA, then I am love too. And it’s like, for me, it’s like I want to be love and I also want to be loved. And I love the word beloved, because it’s like, it’s just be-loved.  How can I just be loved, as well as be love to other people? 

So when I incorporate it into my business and my life, one example that comes up is with my kids. I have normally been the frustrated parent . That was my, that still comes up at times because I’ve got a seven year old and a four year old, and they test me and they test my patience.  And I feel like love is, the access to, it’s the access point to my heart.  And it is what naturally comes out of me when I connect to my heart versus my head. Because if I’m in my head, and I’m thinking that they need to do something and they’re not doing it, then I’m getting into, they should. It’s like they should go to bed and they’re not, or they should eat their dinner and they’re not. And at a very like brain space thought level, that creates frustration. 

But when I tune into heart, and when I tune into love, and I tune into how do I show up to my kids and who do I want to be, then it’s almost like those things don’t really matter, and all I want is just to be with them and to love them. And so these are like pretty recent, but that is how I feel like I’m incorporating love into my life 

And in terms of business, it’s one of my dreams that I want to always act from love, that not the, I’m reaching out to you, for example, it’s like this podcast.  LeAnn, I’m going to reach out to you, because I want my message to spread. It is purely selfish. You know, that could be the way.  That could be the motivation driving my actions for my business, is that I reach out to a bunch of people, try and get a bunch of podcasts so that, it’s for my growth.  But where I want to come from, and the thing that I feel is more powerful, is when I’m just sincerely care about people and know that this is what I have to share will help people, and that it is all for love. That if you said no to me, or if someone said no, it wouldn’t matter because I would just be like, Listen, I’m just here to share this amazing message with people, so if you like it, great. If you don’t, it’s also great. I love you, kind of thing. So that’s how I incorporate it.

L: Ah, that’s so beautiful. And I love the beloved. Be-loved. That’s a beautiful way to look at it too. Thank you. Alright, question number two. What is something you love about you and why? 

T: I thought about this and I just love myself a lot, and so I was just like, well, I love that I keep moving forward no matter what.  I just can’t stop. I can’t not seek for further learning and understanding and further growth for myself, and I love that. 

I also love that I can yodel, and sing, and do impressions, and that I’m good with an audience on the stage. And I love how I combine art and science in new ways that brings clarity and power to my life. And so I think about all these things, and I’m grateful for the question, just because we don’t really think about it very often.  To just say, what do you love about yourself? Cause when you really think about all these things that you love about yourself, it’s like, that’s where my heart gets full.  Because I think wow, I am cool. I do like myself. I do like what I can do and what I’ve been gifted in terms of talents and abilities. So those are some things I love about myself. 

L: That is so good. And I was lucky enough to go to a mastermind event that Tyson was the MC at, and it was amazing. So fun watching him in action. So yeah, kudos to you for all you do with that. That’s cool. Alright, before I ask you the last question, where can our audience go to find out more about you? 

T: So I would tell them to go to inherentidentity.com, because there’s an amazing worksheet and kind of a walkthrough that will help them to incorporate what I mean when I say, you need to be love. There’s a being that comes before doing. And so if you’re struggling loving other people in terms of how you act, we first have to address, how do you become a loving person? How do you be a loving person, and how do you be loved even?  And so whether it’s habits of thought or whether it’s habits of action, this process that I’ve created there is among the most powerful tools that I’ve done for myself, that has created some amazing changes for me and my clients. So that’s where I would go. And if you want to follow me on Instagram, I’m @tysonbradleycoaching there.  

L: Okay, and then you also have a podcast as well, correct? 

T: Yeah.  Inherent Identity Podcast. So it’s all the same, all that kind of stuff. But yeah, I would go to those places because it’s all good and helpful stuff. 

L: Excellent. And I’ll put those in the show notes as well. Alright, last question, and I know you mentioned this before, but if you have anything else you want to say about it or sum it up, we’ll do that. What is your favorite quote about love. 

T: Okay, I’ll just reference it again. It’s 1 John 4:8, and the very last phrase in it says, “God is love.” And he’s always been love. And the way we often think about God is that it is an unconditional love. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to be anything special. You could sit on the couch all day. And it’s just love for you, and everything that you do, everything that you don’t do, every mistake that you make, because he sees the end from the beginning. Like our whole life story is just one eternal, like now before him, he has read your story and he already knows you’re going to win.

And, it’s like to be able to look at someone and know that they’re inherently amazing, because God didn’t create anything that’s not perfect. Like people are born with deformities and mental issues, and that’s a physical thing. But in terms of our spiritual bodies, those were created perfectly, and they reside within us, in these physical bodies. And so there’s no deformities within you, inherently. There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s nothing going on. It’s just you are made with his DNA. And if he is love, then you are love, period. And so that’s probably what I would add to that quote.  

L: What a beautiful quote and scripture, “God is love.”

Hmmm, something to think about y’all. Thank you Tyson, for sharing your tidbits of love with us. Have a good one, and here’s to love. 

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